- Page 11
- October 8, 2010
- Chicago Tribune
- Multistate manhunt for "honeybee killer"
- sheriff from Indiana and Illinois are force to arrest a killer. He
killed one person, wounded two others and menaced residents on both
sides of the borther. We calls this man "Honeybee killer", that's
because the shootings occurred in out-of-the-way locales. - At this moment, I only hope the police could hunt him down as soon
as possible. I don't know how many people will be killed by him
utill the police arrest him. He will get his penalty before long.
Welcome to class blog! This blog belongs to the students of ESL-INTG Level 4 at Harold Washington College. This is a place for students to publish and share their writing.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Multistate manhunt for "honeybee killer"
Would high-speed rail fly here?
Page 9
Oct 4 2010
Author: Unkown
Mayor Daley recently rode the Shanghai Transrapid magnetic-levitation train in China. which takes passengers from the Pudong airport to the outskirts of central Shanghai in seven minutes. Daley favor high-speed rail services between Chicago and O'Hare. He hoped a high-speed train can in Chicago to opperate. CTA President said he has studied magnetic levitation tachnology, and he didn't proposing to replace our existing rail system with maglev. But he said the CTA will explore other technologies beyond the heavy rail system that the authority has operated since its inception.
Hope we have the high-speed rail fly in Chicago, it can helps to save times, Even tourism or people to work. America is an advanced tachnology country, it never fell behind than other country. I think the super-fast train wil be here soon!
Oct 4 2010
Author: Unkown
Mayor Daley recently rode the Shanghai Transrapid magnetic-levitation train in China. which takes passengers from the Pudong airport to the outskirts of central Shanghai in seven minutes. Daley favor high-speed rail services between Chicago and O'Hare. He hoped a high-speed train can in Chicago to opperate. CTA President said he has studied magnetic levitation tachnology, and he didn't proposing to replace our existing rail system with maglev. But he said the CTA will explore other technologies beyond the heavy rail system that the authority has operated since its inception.
Hope we have the high-speed rail fly in Chicago, it can helps to save times, Even tourism or people to work. America is an advanced tachnology country, it never fell behind than other country. I think the super-fast train wil be here soon!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sheriff: Jail employee smuggled drugs
page 58
Oct 8,2010
Chicago Tribune
Sheriff: Jail employee smuggled drugs
A 15-year Cook County Jail corrections officer, Timothy Fuller,42,of Oak Park, agreed to smuggle marijuana and cocaine to an inmate in the jail's medium-security Division II building for $400, Fuller will be suspended with pay pending a termination hearing,a judge ordered the officer held in jail in lieu of $40,000 bail. He is next scheduled to appear in court Oct.29, 2010.
I can't believe that he would do something like that,he lost his job for $400.00. Now is under arrest and he is going to lose his job. He may end up in jail and he will have a record. It's going to be hard for him to get another job, after some thing like this.
Oct 8,2010
Chicago Tribune
Sheriff: Jail employee smuggled drugs
A 15-year Cook County Jail corrections officer, Timothy Fuller,42,of Oak Park, agreed to smuggle marijuana and cocaine to an inmate in the jail's medium-security Division II building for $400, Fuller will be suspended with pay pending a termination hearing,a judge ordered the officer held in jail in lieu of $40,000 bail. He is next scheduled to appear in court Oct.29, 2010.
I can't believe that he would do something like that,he lost his job for $400.00. Now is under arrest and he is going to lose his job. He may end up in jail and he will have a record. It's going to be hard for him to get another job, after some thing like this.
Paint by caffeine

page 6
October 6 2010
by : John Lendman
Paint by caffeine
page 6
October 6 2010
by : John Lendman
Paint by caffeine
Chicago's established yet growing coffee shop-slash informal gallery space that's on the front line of Chicago's established yet growing shop gallery scene. Some of Chicago's coffee shops are kickstand espresso bar , Senem's coffee ,Filter and Cafe mustache all located around north of Milwaukee Ave. In many cases artist are not charged for showing their stuff in cafe shops. Some cafe shops work independently with the artists usually don't take a cut of the sale Its a draw for artist to display in these shops and a win win for business owners, who get unique decor for free. It not only helps the artist but it keeps the price points of the art down. The art is accessible to the community. Most of these piece of art come in various prices ranging from $200.00 and up. People seem to stick around in a coffee shop longer to enjoy the art.
I think it's great that people could show their art in coffee shop . It gives people the opportunity to get some exposure without having to pay for a spot somewhere and sometimes you never get back what it cost to expose yourself . I think it would be a friendlier experience. I would go to one of these coffee shops and enjoying a cup of coffee and the art work of some Chicago's future artist.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Police:Man confesses to ninja-like theft in Skokie
page 10
September 29, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Police: Man confesses to ninja-like theft in Skokie
On Sept. 5, when the store security locked the doors and left for the nights, Carol Frank Settecase a 21year old Skokie man was dressed in a ninja like outfit as he hide under a desk in the switchboard operators booth on the store's second floor. He emerged from his hiding place shortly before 8 p.m. and was filmed by store surveillance cameras as he strolled through the Westfield Old Orchard mall Nordstrom for several hours in the dead of the night.. He had stolen more than $30,000 worth of merchandise. After a 3 week of the investigation the camera's revealed that the man worked as a switchboard operator in the store. He was charged with felony theft. Carol confessed saying he planned to sell the stolen merchandise on e-bay to buy himself a motorcycle.
I think some people don't even thinking of the consequences of what could happen if they get caught . This man worked in the mall with lots of cameras , how could he even think he was going to get away with it. Just to buy himself a motorcycle ! He already had a job, all he had to do is save up now he has no job and is facing some jail time. This is also going to be in his back ground. He is now going to find it very difficult for him to find another job. This is one lesson for other's to learn from. Eventually you get caught.
page 10
September 29, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Police: Man confesses to ninja-like theft in Skokie
On Sept. 5, when the store security locked the doors and left for the nights, Carol Frank Settecase a 21year old Skokie man was dressed in a ninja like outfit as he hide under a desk in the switchboard operators booth on the store's second floor. He emerged from his hiding place shortly before 8 p.m. and was filmed by store surveillance cameras as he strolled through the Westfield Old Orchard mall Nordstrom for several hours in the dead of the night.. He had stolen more than $30,000 worth of merchandise. After a 3 week of the investigation the camera's revealed that the man worked as a switchboard operator in the store. He was charged with felony theft. Carol confessed saying he planned to sell the stolen merchandise on e-bay to buy himself a motorcycle.
I think some people don't even thinking of the consequences of what could happen if they get caught . This man worked in the mall with lots of cameras , how could he even think he was going to get away with it. Just to buy himself a motorcycle ! He already had a job, all he had to do is save up now he has no job and is facing some jail time. This is also going to be in his back ground. He is now going to find it very difficult for him to find another job. This is one lesson for other's to learn from. Eventually you get caught.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Daughter of acid attack victim speaks
page 10
September 28, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Daughter of acid attack victim speaks
Esperanza Medina was attack in 2008 by 3 teenagers who threw battery acid at her face they were sent by Ofelia Garcia and daughter in law Maria Garcia. Now the 3 teens ,2 girls and 1 boy could be kept in custody until they are 21.
Esperanza Medina's daughter , Shirley Medina ,a 24 year old stood in front of a double jury in which, she spoke about the horrific aftermath of the attack with battery acid that left her mother s face burned beyond recognition. leaving her mother hospitalized for four months in medical induced coma, while doctors perform painful skin graft operations. She brought 4 photos that brought a grim to the opening of testimony. Shirley tried to keep her composure as she left the witness stand and walked past the jury. once she reached the spectators gallery she burst into tears leaned heavily on a victims advocate for comfort.
I think Shirley Medina did a great job in front of the jury. She knew she had to stand up there and express all the pain they caused everything her mother had gone thru and what she has to live with for the rest of her life. I really pray that they get justice for this horrific act. For the 2 women to get the teenagers involved not only did they cause great pain and damage to Esperanza but they also ruined 3 teenager life's.
page 10
September 28, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Daughter of acid attack victim speaks
Esperanza Medina was attack in 2008 by 3 teenagers who threw battery acid at her face they were sent by Ofelia Garcia and daughter in law Maria Garcia. Now the 3 teens ,2 girls and 1 boy could be kept in custody until they are 21.
Esperanza Medina's daughter , Shirley Medina ,a 24 year old stood in front of a double jury in which, she spoke about the horrific aftermath of the attack with battery acid that left her mother s face burned beyond recognition. leaving her mother hospitalized for four months in medical induced coma, while doctors perform painful skin graft operations. She brought 4 photos that brought a grim to the opening of testimony. Shirley tried to keep her composure as she left the witness stand and walked past the jury. once she reached the spectators gallery she burst into tears leaned heavily on a victims advocate for comfort.
I think Shirley Medina did a great job in front of the jury. She knew she had to stand up there and express all the pain they caused everything her mother had gone thru and what she has to live with for the rest of her life. I really pray that they get justice for this horrific act. For the 2 women to get the teenagers involved not only did they cause great pain and damage to Esperanza but they also ruined 3 teenager life's.
Study: Most pimps suffered abuse
page 8
September 16, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Study: Most pimps suffered abuse
page 8
September 16, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Study: Most pimps suffered abuse
Two dozen former Chicago pimps and madams were paid $250.00 for 2 hours by DePaul University researchers for a study on sex trades. The study proves that many involved in the sex trade had suffered physical and sexual abuse as children. Study found 88% of prostitute suffered physical abuse growing up and 76% endured sexual abuse . Because of the abuse it lead them to leave home in an early age. Where they felt the only option was to turn to prostitution to survive, trading sex for money . Of the 25 Interviewed, 7 were women, all victims of violence and prostitution. Information was given on programs to help these victims of the sex trade. One of the programs is being run an advocate named Myer Powell . He has been running Darts prostitution intervention team for 20 years. Another program that helps victims of prostitution is the dream Catcher Foundation.
This is a very sad article concluding that some type of abuse plays a big part of how many fall into the sex trade. Their reason is not having anyone to turn to but prostitution to survive. What I don't understand is how these victims turn into victimizers by brining others into this abusive sex trade. I am happy to know that there's help out there for these victims of prostitution, by assisting with shelter and finding them a job for a decent living. I think we need programs in our schools that help kids recognize abuse and letting them know someone is always there to listen and help in any way.
This is a very sad article concluding that some type of abuse plays a big part of how many fall into the sex trade. Their reason is not having anyone to turn to but prostitution to survive. What I don't understand is how these victims turn into victimizers by brining others into this abusive sex trade. I am happy to know that there's help out there for these victims of prostitution, by assisting with shelter and finding them a job for a decent living. I think we need programs in our schools that help kids recognize abuse and letting them know someone is always there to listen and help in any way.
The chicago new paper RED EYE talk about warm weather stings marathoners again will organizers move future race dates,It is published on Monday,October11,2010.And it is written by Chicago Tribune.This article is located in page 6 .This page told about a good weather to make a competition game.Because of the weather ,the organizers changed a first date to another date .This is the third time that a marathon was organized in the past four years during the Colombus day schedule.The organizers add other features to this competition.A lot of people participated at this competition.This was the best competition of this years.
In summary,all the organizers must put them in a good condition .It allowed them to give the best themselves
In summary,all the organizers must put them in a good condition .It allowed them to give the best themselves
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Right Degree, Wrong Job
Monday, October 4, 2010
The article present some bachelors' interviews about their actually jobs after degrees finished.
One interview was John Whitehead who explained the difficulties to found a good job in agreement his studies and abilities. His goal was to become a journalist.
Then he talked about different kind of jobs that he found, for example he worked as a dispatcher for a Niles-based company. After he was laid off and replaced by computers.
Finally he decided to save money for launch own business and he said: "The market wasn't making anything happen for me, so I have to make it happen for myself".
In conclusion I think this is a big problem around the world, but I think that the Universities should have more focus about the market need and give options to choose the career.
The article present some bachelors' interviews about their actually jobs after degrees finished.
One interview was John Whitehead who explained the difficulties to found a good job in agreement his studies and abilities. His goal was to become a journalist.
Then he talked about different kind of jobs that he found, for example he worked as a dispatcher for a Niles-based company. After he was laid off and replaced by computers.
Finally he decided to save money for launch own business and he said: "The market wasn't making anything happen for me, so I have to make it happen for myself".
In conclusion I think this is a big problem around the world, but I think that the Universities should have more focus about the market need and give options to choose the career.
Multistate manhunt for 'honeybee killer'
Redeye, Friday, October 8, 2010
Pg 11, Chicago Tribune
Illinois and Indiana's authorities are looking for a possible series killer. "Honeybee killer" as he is called, had killed at least one person, is possible that 2 more.
Authorities have some gun-man's descriptions and are working in the case every day. First, they are looking near to the places where happened the last shootings.
The nickname "honeybee killer" refer to the questions that the killer asked to his victims before shoot them.
Comment: this kind of news should be expanded by every newspaper and news program every day until the authorities arrest the killer. Everybody must to be alert for descriptions, and helps the community and himself with whole possible information about the suspects.
Pg 11, Chicago Tribune
Illinois and Indiana's authorities are looking for a possible series killer. "Honeybee killer" as he is called, had killed at least one person, is possible that 2 more.
Authorities have some gun-man's descriptions and are working in the case every day. First, they are looking near to the places where happened the last shootings.
The nickname "honeybee killer" refer to the questions that the killer asked to his victims before shoot them.
Comment: this kind of news should be expanded by every newspaper and news program every day until the authorities arrest the killer. Everybody must to be alert for descriptions, and helps the community and himself with whole possible information about the suspects.
CTA Ivestigating Cause of Bus Crash
Draft #6
Red Eye
Page 8
Monday, October 11, 2010
By Eric Clark/Chicago Tribune
CTA Investigating Cause of Bus Crash
CTA officials said Sunday they were continuing to investigate a bus crash Saturday evening that send 37 people to area hospitals. The accident happened 6 p.m. when the bus ran off Lake Shore drive just south of Interstate 55 and then struck a tree. During the accident 20 ambulances were sending to the scene. The accident was 2800 S. Lake Shore Drive. She said that 30 persons were sending to the hospitals. Also she said that bus was full of persons. Catherine Hosinski said that officials were in process of investigating the cause of the accident. She said they could determine a cause of the accident. First, they need to check the bus. They need to check the bus condition, review surveillance video and a black box device inside the bus also they need to have to conduct interviews to determine what transpired. In 2008 the CTA buses were involved in collisions annually. However,In 2008, CTA BUSES were involved in 303 reportable collisions.. She said that last year, there were 271 “reportable collisions” in CTA buses, the accidents result in $25,000 more in property damage.
In my opinion the city or the inspector should investigated in the way Catherine say. We don’t know the condition of the buses. The city needs to take action and prevent the accident, giving good maintenance to the buses.
Red Eye
Page 8
Monday, October 11, 2010
By Eric Clark/Chicago Tribune
CTA Investigating Cause of Bus Crash
CTA officials said Sunday they were continuing to investigate a bus crash Saturday evening that send 37 people to area hospitals. The accident happened 6 p.m. when the bus ran off Lake Shore drive just south of Interstate 55 and then struck a tree. During the accident 20 ambulances were sending to the scene. The accident was 2800 S. Lake Shore Drive. She said that 30 persons were sending to the hospitals. Also she said that bus was full of persons. Catherine Hosinski said that officials were in process of investigating the cause of the accident. She said they could determine a cause of the accident. First, they need to check the bus. They need to check the bus condition, review surveillance video and a black box device inside the bus also they need to have to conduct interviews to determine what transpired. In 2008 the CTA buses were involved in collisions annually. However,In 2008, CTA BUSES were involved in 303 reportable collisions.. She said that last year, there were 271 “reportable collisions” in CTA buses, the accidents result in $25,000 more in property damage.
In my opinion the city or the inspector should investigated in the way Catherine say. We don’t know the condition of the buses. The city needs to take action and prevent the accident, giving good maintenance to the buses.
October 12, 2010
The Citizens Utility Board said that in Illinois people is over paying extra dollars every year for hundreds of minutes or services that users don’t need on their cell phones. They studied 6.985 bills from these companies : Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T Mobile and US cellular, the result shows that customers are overpaying about 331$ every year on their phone bills.
I chose this article because is something that happened to everybody, considering that almost all the population have, had and will have a cell phone. People of many ages use a cell phone service. I had the opportunity to check the web sides of these companies and they make you sign a contract showing customers the best plans that they have with the “lowest” price in the market BUT non of this companies specify at that moment that your bill is going to include unnecessary services, extra fees, insurance, directory assistant, roadside assistant and many more fees and taxes added to your bill. For example if you get the cheapest plan of 78$ your bill is going to be 120$. Also this companies design their web sides to make difficult to find the extract of your bill, and people who is not familiar using the internet such us kids or elderly. They thing that they are paying those 78$ without know how much is the real price. Also when you call to the customer service you spend at least 45 minutes and the personal can’t answer those questions why the bill has to many fees or services that we don’t need but is include yes or yes in our bills. I see some people don’t care about it because this companies discount the amount of money from our bank accounts so we don’t even realize that the bill comes every 28 days and not 31 that suppose to be. In short these companies make millions of dollars every year taking advantage from people that everyday depend more and more of cell phones (texting, multimedia texts, internet, calls, videogames, ring tones,etc) and we don’t have many options because a cell phone in our days is necessary but is it right to overpay for these service?. Specially, for services that we don’t need. In my opinion it is not correct.
By Chicago Tribune
The Citizens Utility Board said that in Illinois people is over paying extra dollars every year for hundreds of minutes or services that users don’t need on their cell phones. They studied 6.985 bills from these companies : Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T Mobile and US cellular, the result shows that customers are overpaying about 331$ every year on their phone bills.
I chose this article because is something that happened to everybody, considering that almost all the population have, had and will have a cell phone. People of many ages use a cell phone service. I had the opportunity to check the web sides of these companies and they make you sign a contract showing customers the best plans that they have with the “lowest” price in the market BUT non of this companies specify at that moment that your bill is going to include unnecessary services, extra fees, insurance, directory assistant, roadside assistant and many more fees and taxes added to your bill. For example if you get the cheapest plan of 78$ your bill is going to be 120$. Also this companies design their web sides to make difficult to find the extract of your bill, and people who is not familiar using the internet such us kids or elderly. They thing that they are paying those 78$ without know how much is the real price. Also when you call to the customer service you spend at least 45 minutes and the personal can’t answer those questions why the bill has to many fees or services that we don’t need but is include yes or yes in our bills. I see some people don’t care about it because this companies discount the amount of money from our bank accounts so we don’t even realize that the bill comes every 28 days and not 31 that suppose to be. In short these companies make millions of dollars every year taking advantage from people that everyday depend more and more of cell phones (texting, multimedia texts, internet, calls, videogames, ring tones,etc) and we don’t have many options because a cell phone in our days is necessary but is it right to overpay for these service?. Specially, for services that we don’t need. In my opinion it is not correct.
First trapped miner expected to reach surface late Tuesday
Page Number: 3
Date Published: October 12, 2010
Author's Name: Viviana Sequera
Title of the Article: First trapped miner expected to reach surface late Tuesday
A summary of the article: The first of 33 trapped miners is expected to be lifted to the surface late Tuesday after miraculously surviving more than two months aboth half a mile below ground.
My opinion: I feel happy for the rescue of the 33 trapped miners in Chile and I hope that everything will be fine and nobody hurts. This was a tragedy for many families to lost comunication with them, but they have an opportunity to return to live.
Date Published: October 12, 2010
Author's Name: Viviana Sequera
Title of the Article: First trapped miner expected to reach surface late Tuesday
A summary of the article: The first of 33 trapped miners is expected to be lifted to the surface late Tuesday after miraculously surviving more than two months aboth half a mile below ground.
My opinion: I feel happy for the rescue of the 33 trapped miners in Chile and I hope that everything will be fine and nobody hurts. This was a tragedy for many families to lost comunication with them, but they have an opportunity to return to live.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Page 2
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lifestyle plays role in beast cancer rates
by Andrea Markowitz
A Special Section From Chicago Tribune to Newspapers
The U.S. (76 women per 100,000) breast cancer rates are almost double than Brazil (only 44 women per 100,00) and triple than China, according to statistics reported by the American Institute for Cancer Research. Experts suggest that much of the blame for the higher incidence of breast cancer in the U.S. can be pinpointed to lifestyle choices. Some risk factors are overweight, drinking alcohol, taking birth control pills, using hormone replacement therapy or having your first child after age 35 can all increase your risk of developing breast cancer, according to Medline Plus. Other factors could be your age, sex, race and ethnicity, gene mutations, a family history of breast cancer, having dense breast tissues, developing certain benign breast conditions and having and an early onset of menstruation or a late onset of menopause, according to The American cancer Society. To prevent those risks we simply do maintaining a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol, being more physically active and discuss with your doctor the possibility of not using or limiting the use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
In my opinion, as everybody knows this week is the "Breast Cancer". A lot of institutions, sports, government, associations, communities, etc. are doing activities to collect money and donate to prevent the breast cancer in United States. This is a huge issue for american people to save a lot of women to the breast cancer. It's so good knows that everybody can help in different ways.
Miriam Morales Reyes
Soldier awarded Medal of Honor
1 Thursday,October7,2010
2 page 7
3 Chicago Tribune Washington
4 Soldier awarded Medal of Honor
5 President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to Miller ,who died in Afghanistan in 2008 after exposing himself to enemy fire and saving the lives of more than 20 U.S. and Afghan troops.
6 Salute to the brave soldiers.
LGBT Suicide issue drawing attention
LGBE Suicide issue drawing attencion
Red eye Friday,October 8.2010 pg.3
by. Alysse Dalessandro
The student in the Rutger Universetiy Tyler Clementi commit a suicide,do to a Anti-gay bulling.
Sources are saying that is a problem in our schools.The bulling can start in early age as Kindergarten.Kids know when they are making sombody mad,they know they are hurting somebodys feeling.DanSavage started You tube compaign 'It gets Better.
My opinion
I tkink that bulling is big problem in schools.We have to talk to kids altime,make them more open,tell them not to hide.,because it can get worse.When Iwas in school Iwas bien bulling and it was hard for me,and it says with you for long time.'
Red eye Friday,October 8.2010 pg.3
by. Alysse Dalessandro
The student in the Rutger Universetiy Tyler Clementi commit a suicide,do to a Anti-gay bulling.
Sources are saying that is a problem in our schools.The bulling can start in early age as Kindergarten.Kids know when they are making sombody mad,they know they are hurting somebodys feeling.DanSavage started You tube compaign 'It gets Better.
My opinion
I tkink that bulling is big problem in schools.We have to talk to kids altime,make them more open,tell them not to hide.,because it can get worse.When Iwas in school Iwas bien bulling and it was hard for me,and it says with you for long time.'
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Former prof sues ULC paper
october 6
page 10
by : chicago tribune
RodrigoCarramina , former director of the university´s Latino cultural
center and anontenured math profesor , claims there were nemerous
probles with a May3 front page Chicago Flame article about an internal
university audit of the center .
I think it´s wrong what they are doing ; bacause they are endangering
both the reputation of Rodrigo carraminana and also tha university.
page 10
by : chicago tribune
RodrigoCarramina , former director of the university´s Latino cultural
center and anontenured math profesor , claims there were nemerous
probles with a May3 front page Chicago Flame article about an internal
university audit of the center .
I think it´s wrong what they are doing ; bacause they are endangering
both the reputation of Rodrigo carraminana and also tha university.
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