Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cyclist killed on Dan Ryan

1. Page 9

2. Published on 8/31/2010

3. Author: Non given

4. Title: Cyclist killed on Dan Ryan

5. Summary: A 28 year old man call Christopher Hippchen who was rode a bike on Dan Ryan Eexpressway. Later, he was struck and killed by a black Lexus on August 29,2010. Befor the crash, there are two dirvers said that they were saw a man who was riding south on the Dan Ryan Expressway. Polices were not sure which direction was Christopher Hippchen struck. Up to now, neither his friends nor polices know why he was rode to Dan Ryan Expressway at night.

6. This accident is tragical. Noboday want that happen, right? Even so, riding a bicycle on the expresswasy is dangerous, and illegal. Why Christopher Hippchen rode on the Expressway at night? That's still a riddle.

Mission Over



Page 11

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

President Obama



In Washington, president Obama marked the end of America`s combat mission in Iraq with an Oval Office speech Tuesday night, acknowledging the “huge price” paid and ushering in new era in which a reduced U.S. military force will let Iraqis take the lead role in building a democratic society. Iraqis will be able to build their own democratic society. The American`s who lost their jobs will be put to work. The military mission has primarily changed. Obama approve (1) million American troops who attended in a seven years war that he had confronted as a U.S senator. The American combat commission in Iraq has ended. Young men and women were sending to Iraq to make huge surrenders. Thousand Iraqis killed. 4,400 U.S soldiers dead, 30,000 wounded.
In my opinion, president Obama took the best choice to end the combat with the Iraqis. During the combat many people were dead. For example soldiers, Iraqis and the citizen from Iraq were killed in the combat. However, I was always disagreeing with this combat between the two continents. I believe that we need live in peace with other people and share what God gives to all us. It is important to respect the rights of other people and let them live in democracy.




Pg 3

Monday, August 30, 2010

Getty Images


President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama visit the Columbia Parc Housing complex Sunday in New Orleans. Nothing was the same for thousands of residents after Hurricane Katrina. It`s been five years since the water rushed in and the light went out. President Obama visited New Orleans, where he announced at Xavier University of Louisiana that the levee system to protect the city is under way. Aug 29, 2005 Katrina slammed into the gulf coast. 80 percent of its population is back. There`s still lots of work to bring the gulf coast back from Katrina`s desolate blow. America people witnessed a real loss of faith in their federal government. 40,000 families residue in emergency trailers, or were using emergency housing voucher. Tens of thousands were at risk within losing their homes. The 98 percent of families are in permanent housing.
In my opinion, president Obama and first lady Michelle Obama took the best choice to visit New Orleans to see the needs of this place. 1,800 of people were killed, 300,000 people were displaced by the storm, and 6,000 families own homes that cannot be rebuilt. It is difficult to help many people in the same time. However, President Obama will find a solution to solve and help this people to restored New Orleans.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Discovery gunman killed, hostages ok

Sep 3

Discovery gunman killed, hosstages ok.

In the Red Eye newspaper I read an article about a gun man who hostages these people from Discover Channel in Silver Spring Mol. The suspect name is Lee James who was a little mentaly ill. One time he was calm on other he put his gun to one of the hosstages and it that moment he was killed by one of the spipers . Spoksman from discovery channel David Leavry said company is familiar with Lee and his warrnings but they never took it seriously. Whole building of discovery channel was evacuated in hour.

It 's a sad story. It's good that nobody else hurt. That kind of article to make us aware of dangerous.


Page. 6

August 30, 2010

Author: Nancy Stone/Tribune

Athletes complete Chicago Triathlon on a sweltering Sunday

Marcus Delatorre was a 16 person to finish the 2010 Lifetimes Fitness Chicago Triathlon and he become one of the youngest athletes to finish.

Delatorre wakes up at 4 a.m. every day to swim at his local pool. After school he runs miles around his neighborhood with the country team.

Then completes his homework rides his bike until he "gets tired".

About 10.500 people participated in this year's rice, included young and old, professionals and amateurs, an d able bodied people and people with disabilities.

The race began at 6 a.m. along the Lake Michigan shoreline, the racers swam about a mile south to north and they then biked north o Lake Shore Drive before circling back around toward the Loop.

When the people finished, children volunteers poured water and cold towels were passed out.

Different people said " It's a mental challenge to overcome the physical barrier" and " Everybody has their own challenges".

My comment

I agree with this article, because the most important things is to have discipline when you want to get something, it doesn't matter how difficult the way is.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Boy shot on way to School

Red Eye page 11

August 19

On Wednesday August 18 a boy was shot on his way to School.That happen near Gage High School.
The enjury was not life threatening.The guy shot the boy for no reason.After that parent came to School and took his kids home for the day.This was 2nd shooting this month .The 1st one was on August 9th.
My opinion I think that we need more police officers to monitor the High Schools,because in that age kids are more likely to get in trouble


Page 9
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chicago Tribune
American Indian tribe joins carp suit

Some American Indian tribe wants to contribute legally demanding to protect the Asia carp from infesting the Great Lakes. Two tribes said that five suing the federal government and Chicago officials will not enough to the tribe's interests. Those five states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and Pennsylvania) accuses the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Metropolitan Water refuse to close the lock and gates because the Chicago area business need it.

It's so important the American Indian tribe's presences in those kind of issues to prof that they have rights to make actions to safe their places where live it. This is an example of the responsable people wants to save our planet. There's not doubt that the Chicago business area will pay for it. I'll see if the court of northern Illinois make a decision for the money or save part of their homes. We most learn some of this kind of action to put it in other issueslike recycling garbage, keep clean ours seas, contamination from ours cars, etc. Not everythingcan be repair with money, not our planet.
Miriam Morales-Reyes

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mission over 11
2.Wednesday September 1, 2010
4. Mission over
Obama announces the end of U.S combat phase in Iraq
5. a summary of the article: Obama announces the U.S withdraws troops from Iraq,and focus on reviving economy. opinion is : Obama is fulfilling his promise, and focus on reviving the economy is helpful to him for the election of next president.


  1. Numero page : 3
  2. Date publishing : tuesday,august 31,2010
  3. -Author's name : Routers BAGHDAD

  4. 4-title of article :Biden in iraq to ease transition
  5. 5- summary of the article
  6. The vice president Joe Biden travelled on monday to persuade Iraqis that U.S is not givining up them about the combat operations .Obama administration put end of war .He discussed with the leaders almost six months without result .He wants to build a good partnership between U.S.A and IRAQ .He makes use of all policies to get a good result.In the meetings he persuaded that he took about the government formation process.
  7. 6-opinion :
  8. In my opinion ,all countries must avoid to the war between countries.He must try to establish a good relation with other countries

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Pg. 6 8/31/10
By Leonor Vivanco

Some troops find difficult to re-adapt to their old lives, coming back from the war. These cases are in the spotlight of Obama president who is going to speech about America’s wars, remarking about cease combat operations in Iraq. This month the amount of troops reduce considerably in consequence of the post trauma after war.
Clearly example the cases of Katherine West 28, Paul Loretto 29, Weston Polaski 27, Glen Johnson 49, Allisa and Mark Barnhost. All of them have something in common the hard process to come back to their ‘normal’ lives after war. Suffering of PTSD (despite being diagnosed) related with stress, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, unable to be in crowds, failure to communicate, etc. also there are problems of new adaptation with friend, family, society in general also these veterans have problems making new friends or new relationships, even with their family. They can’t find enough support from them, because for someone who have never been in a war is hard to understand those who spent months in Iraq or Korea.
There is hope for all the veterans in a program called Strong Bonds which help veterans or people related with them to reconnect to a normal life. This program is managed for people, who used to have the same problem, helping to improve marriages and communication using mental health counseling.

This is a real problem which needs to be attended with more programs and organization that can help veterans to be re-inserted to the society trying to avoid this post trauma after war, They left their normal style lives to serve this country. Is sad to see that some of them are unable to communicate with people, even with their friends because most of the cases Veteran’s friends are marriage, have kids, have a degree, a job, etc. most of them come back to school where is still being difficult because most of the students are in their early 20’s. We need to recognize all the effort of these veterans that are still fighting but this time for different porpoises.


1. Page number :8

2. Date published:August 27,2010

3. Author’s name:Chicago Tribune

4. Title of the article:Daley floats privatized recycling idea

5. A summary of the article:Mayor wants to look into privatizing its recycling program and festivals to help close the budget hole. even do more things.

6. Your opinion about the article:I don't want mayor to raise taxes to balance the budget , that will make the life not easy for us.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Page 8
Friday, August 22, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Daley floats privatized recycling idea

Mayor Daley announced Thursday that the city will look into privatizing its recycling program and lakefront festivals-potentially including Taste of Chicago-to help close a $655 million budget hole.

The mayor's last major foray into privatization was his lease of the city's parking meter system. That proved unpopular with the public after rates increased and the private operator had service problems after taking over.

After those decisions the Mayor Daley wants the re-election in February.
I think there´s no real reason to privatizing the recycling program too. The goverment most to have the resposibily to provide those services without the private sector. As we know, the private sector always is more expensive. The result of the privatizing public services is more taxes and less jobs to the residents and citizens.
Miriam Morales-Reyes