Thursday, November 4, 2010

Danger Drinks ?

Tuesday, November 4, 2010
From news services
The article writes about caffeinated alcoholic drink Four Loco. Loco is made by Phusion Projects, a Chicago company. Founders got the idea from watching people mix liquor with energy drinks at bars.The beverage contains equivalent of four or more beers and a strong cup of coffee for $3. It can be dangerous for young adults who might not realize how drunk they have become when they drink them. Four loko is popular and everyone buys it; middle class , high class, low class.

The beverage sounds like cheap and heavy alcohol. It can be dangerous first try but people will learn how heavy it is. I dont think when it has more or less alcohol it will change result for yaung people who wants to be drunk. If someone wants to be drunk or someone who doesnt know his/her limit it will be same result. Drinking alcohol is might be dengerous for yaung adults. I dont belive alcoholic beverage brend will make it more dengerous. In my opinion alchohol is fun if you know where to stop, it is dengerous if you dont know where to stop. It is not just for yaung adults for everyage like that.

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