Tuesday, October 19, 2010


According to research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 25 percent of U.S adults ages 18-34 engaged in binge drinking in the past month. "Binge drinking increases many health problems including fetal car crashes, contracting a sexually transmitted disease and over drug doses." CDC director said. Almost one in three adults two in three high school students who drink alcohol also binge drink. Excessive drinking, including binge drinking kills more than 79.000 people in the U.S.

When i read this article i didn't find it interesting because its not new news.But i realize again human being is so interesting and we can be really stupid. I remember when i was kid, teachers taught us we are different from animals because we use our minds, we can think. When they were talking abut it looks advantage. Everybody knows excessive drinking is bad ,it causes many health problems and it makes your life style miserable.Worse thing for binge drinking, someone who never drinks can get killed because of who is drank.But still many people drink excessively. Other hand animals fight for their life every time.

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