Sunday, October 24, 2010


Page 9


Chicago Tribune


The Ogden POLICE DISTRICT on the West Side, where Toledo lives, has seen a more than 50 percent jump in auto thefts in the first eight months of the year compared with the same time last year. Auto thefts have spiked almost 23 percent in the first nine months of the years as compared with the same period last year, accoring to date provided by police. He was less sure why theft numbers are rising this year,though he speculated that a tougher economy may have spurred thieves to go after older model vehicles for quick cash. Older models have less complicated door locks and ignitions, making them popular targets for joy riders and those who sell to scrappers.

The economy has a part in it. You still have the professional car theft,he does this for a living, Most of the stolen cars are the older models, they are easier to steal. The newer cars are harder to steal, with their anti-thief systems, like the GM model cars offer on-star. It has a gps system and with the push of a few buttons, they can cut of the vehicle. There is no way to stop a car thief, if they want your car, they will find a way to get it.

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