Welcome to class blog! This blog belongs to the students of ESL-INTG Level 4 at Harold Washington College. This is a place for students to publish and share their writing.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
'Tangled' Waltdisney Pictures
November 26, 2010
The article discus about the movie according to the verdict 'Tangled' stumbles onto a brief moment of wit or charm
I believe one month ago i saw the Tangled's commercial it looked fun and nice. I wanted to see it. Yesterday my meet with my friend and her daughter (she is 3 years old) who saw the movie. When i asked the kid how was Tangled do you like it. she said she likes it and she gave me interesting summary. She just said the boy was stabbed. It is really interesting for Waltdisney movie. Ididnt like the idea 3 years old kids seen someone is stabbed but still i am curious about the movie.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
College Debt 101

Draft 14
Pg 3
Friday, November 26, 2010
College Debt 101
Students have borrowed more money for loans in 2008 then 1996. 2008 bachelor’s degree receiver took an average of $23,000, comparing with $17,000 in 1996. Associates degrees receiver took an amount of $12,600 comparing with $7,600. 2008 study shows that 54% bachelor degree graduates who are in debt more then $30,000 attend private, for profit schools. In which 25% attend non-profit schools.
In my opinion it is excellent decision they have better knowledge, skills, and they have a Title to look for a good position with high salary.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Bombs found in Calif. house
- Page 10
- November 26, 2010
- None
- Bombs found in Calif. house
- On last Thursday, authorities found twice homemade explosives in
Jakubec's house. Authorities described his house as a bomb-making
factory. He was on probation for 2009 robbery and arrested last
week. Jakubec paid 5 million dollars for bail now. - It's disquieting to hear this news. We don't know how many dangerous
persons in around us just like Jakubec. I hope the police take all
the dangerous person into jail as soon as possible.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Smile-you're on coyote camera
Pg. 3 Chicago Tribune

This coyote was the second seen this year on the same area, but this one wasn't captured.
Comment: Authorities should be careful with this kind of animals because they are not used to be around people.
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010
page. 3
By Chicago Tribune
A recent study says CTA train riders are very satisfied, because they can talk on cell phones, tap out e-mails or listen to music while they are using the service.
Many of CTA train riders said they enjoy their trip as well as driving their own personal vehicles. For many reasons people like to get to their destination as quickly as possible. Using communication and information technology makes the travel very comfortable.
Actually, people prefer to use electronic devices while ride, and less people read books or newspaper. I think spend time reading a book o newspaper is a good way to learn English for me. I read daily and pick up new vocabulary while I am riding.
Daley takes former aid Chico to task

Draft 13
Page 9
Friday, November 19, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Daley takes former aide Chico to task
The article said that on Thursday Daley took a shot about Gery Chico. Under Daley, Chico served as a president of board of Education, an observation was made while uncovering his education policies, Tuesday. As Chico aid the hired government officials at the Chicago public schools had been bloated under his successors, and promised cuts to save money. Chico never expressed opinions while serving Daley in two high profile education posts.
In my opinion it is difficult to give my opinion because I don’t know how they do their agenda and take their decisions on education.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Major Miner Operation
- Page 10
- November 19, 2010
- Major Miner Operation
- Chilean miners rescued last month. Their first group and five rescuers tour from L.A. to the U.S. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa greeted them at the hotel. One miner calls Mario Sepulveda and another miner calls Victor Zamora were expressing both the miners, rescuers and their families were excited. There was the first trip for most of those miners and rescuers outside of Chile. Most of them intended to go shopping during this trip.
- It's delighted to heard the Chilean miners rescued. TV showed their news every day during they were trapped. They didn't give up hope. After 69 days, they see this world again. They are showing us one message,"never give up and never surrender, you will see the miracle."
"Sears Tower Was a target", Bush says
Chicago Tribune
"Sears Tower Was A Target," Bush Says
Former President George W.Bush, was in town to promote his memoir, said he worries that the 9/11 attacks will become a "distant memory". The New York Times reported in 2003 that a senior leader of al-Qaida told U.S. interrogators the Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, was on at least one list of possible targets for the 9/11 hijackers. Chicago Police at the time downplayed the report.
I am glad that the terrorist did not pick the Sears Tower as one of their targets, I believe that the Chicago Police should have taken the threat move seriously. I believe that the Willis Tower will remain to be on their list. We should take all the necessary steps to keep the city and the United States safe from terrorist.
He put a ring on it
Page 10
Author Unkown
Britain's Prince William will marry his long-term girlfriend, Kate Middleton. William proposed to Middleton with the large blue oval sapphire and diamond engagement ring his mother once wore as a 19-year-old fiancee of a future king. They will take place in the spring or summer of 2011, 39 years after Charles' spectacular but ultimately ill-fated wedding to Diana.
That's a exciting news, William will be the future of Britain. I wish he will have happiness on his marriage, not like his parents!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Kate's Night at The Museum
Page: 7
By Georgia Garvey
Kate McGroart is 24 years old Andersonvile resident. She won a contest aloving her to live, eat and sleep at the museum for one month The museum planed activities for her such as learning about chemistry in a science lab with schoolchildreen and interviews with the dozens of news organizations.
It should be amazing experience. What can I say she will have interesting and exciting one month. According to photo on the news paper her bed even looks very comfortable.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Pentagon: Jet caused mysterious vapor trail

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Page. 3
By Reuters Washington
Last Monday evening, a mystery vapor was filmed in California's coast. The image was caught by a news helicopter.
Initial reports said the condensation trail looked as a missile, but 36 hours later of exhaustive investigation, Pentagon and Military Authorities reached the conclusion the vapor was caused by an aircraft.
Comment: More frequently, U.S. military authorities take more attention about suspect movements or appearances because after 9/11 U.S. territory is target or terrorist groups.
Little Box of Horrors
Pg.3 Los Angeles Times

Monday, November 15, 2010
Lawsuit: Coach beat high school players
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Worst. Cruise. Ever
Page 3
Author: San Diego
A ship with 4,500 passengers and crew members aboard had been disabled for four day at sea. People suffered from access to food, dysfunctional toilet and etc. were finally rescued.
It’s lucky that the location where the ship was disabled was close to U.S. coast and got help in time; otherwise it could be another Titanic. It’s not too bad for rich people if they die this year. In 2010 there is no legacy tax.
Sears Tower was a target,’ Bush says
Page 8
Author: Chicago Tribune
In former president George W. Bush’s memoir, he mentioned that Sears Tower, now known as the Willis Tower, was on a list of possible targets for the 9/11 hijackers. Chicago police at the time downplayed the report.
It’s good to know that the mayor Daley was well prepared for the threat.
Lawsuit: Coach beat high school players
Page 10
A Jackson, high school basketball coach is accused of whipping students for “failing to run basketball plays correctly”. It is unknown if he was suspended, but he hasn’t shown up to teach class for days.
Although the way the coach used to safe student from so-called destruction of self was not legal, he was out of his good intention to improve the performance of the basket team. He should get warning or light punishment for his behaviors.
Pay to stay?

Draft 12
Page 7
Friday, November 12, 2010
Chicago Tribune
Pay to stay?
The article say that they need to pay to stay also it say that the Cubs owner is seeking for state aid to keep historic Wrigley Field running. The Wrigley Field needs more than $200 million in renovation to ensure the team stays for the next 35 years. Last year the team was bought by the Ricketts family. The family paid for the team $845 million. The Cubs paid $16.1 million in amusement taxes and 12% levy of each ticket. The Illinois General Assembly needs to approval the financing plan. In the other hand on Thursday Gov. Quinn said that he didn’t know about this plan but he doesn’t want to say anything about that. He said, I want to know what they talking about. He said, we like the Cubs, we like the Sox and other sports but I needs more details. In the end of the article Tom Ricketts said “The plan is fair, simple and solve the problem”.
In mi opinion there is a controversy. A team is a team but the city has to approval the financing plan. The city has the majority of benefits from the teams of the Wrigley Field.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Oprah has landed

- Page 7
- November 5, 2010
- Chicago Tribune
- Oprah has landed
- Oprah Winfrey's signature, and the words "The Farewell Season"
painted on the Boeing 757's tail. This plane was used to celebra
media queen's final Chicago season. United Airline unveiled this
plane at O'Hare. This plane will be used on United 's domestic
routes through May. - "United is the second airline to capitalize on the hype
surrounding." Recording from Chicago Tribune. This opinion just
saying the truth. So many activity have one goal, that's publicity.
No one is willing to do a business at a loss. Right?
Cabbies Push for fare hike
Cabbies Push For Fare Hike
Chicago cabdrivers again pitched to aldermen the need for a 22 percent fare hike to offset rising costs and city fees. They say are squeeezing them to the point of destition.The last fare increase for Chicago cabs was in 2005. That would increase the cost to start a ride from $2.25 to $2.75.
Norma Reyes, Commissioner of the city Dept. of Business Afffairs and Consumer Protection opposes any rate increase. The city enacted a taxi fuel surcharge of up to $1.00 in 2008, tied to the cost of gas.
Reyes said her department would work with cab companies to introduce more fuel efficent vehicles rather than passing more costs on to consumers.
Most cab drivers don't deserve a fare hike. There are drivers that will take out of your way, so that they can make more money on the fare box. For the average consumer, that can be an extra $3 to $5 dollars. Most drivers speed, don't use turn signals, make illegal turns and don't obey the traffic lights. They are terrible drivers, maybe if they would drive better and a safer manner, they may get better tips. Then there be no need for a fare hike.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Interview with a monster
By Georgia Garvey
When Garvey interviewed she felt like about 3 years old. Cookie master's puppeteer is David Rudman. He lives in a north suburb of Chicago. He has been the main Cookie performer since film director and puppet creator Frank Oz stepped aside abut 10 years ago. According to interview Cookie monster big fun of Cub, he been all the places to get cookies in Chicago ans his favorite is Mrs'Fields and He is not interested in politics.
I believe everybody loves Cookie Monster. He was my favorite puppet. First time I saw his puppetter. He is actually quite different then I imaged. Its really wiered but friend of mine still wants to marry with Cookie Monster.Ive never known he lives in Chicago. After posting this article I am going to watch some Cookie Monster's videos.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 6 , 2010
page 15
By Matt Pais

Friday, November 5, 2010
Page 3
Hu Jintao Chinese President was the world's most powerful people according with annual list published by Forbes magazine, President Obama had second spot.
The magazine used four criteria to define power - the person has influence over a lot of people, significant wealth compared with their peer, powerful in more than one sphere and actively wields power.
Chinese President Hu who to lead over 1.3 billion peoples and his country has become the world's second largest economy.
Some people have influence over a lot of people, but is important this influence be used in a positive way to improve and get solutions.
Newborn Panda Size of Cell Phone
Pg 13. Atlanta.

A giant panda cub was born last Wednesday at Zoo Atlanta. Its mom, called Lun Lun, appears to be providing appropriate care for her little bear, which is as small as a cell phone.
The animals are being monitored by Zoo's veterinary teams and the new cub will be introduced to the public in spring 2011.
Comment: Everybody has responsibility to take care for animals, especially this kind of animals which are in extinction.
Monday, November 8, 2010
1. Page number:11
2. Date published:Nov/8/2010
3. Author’s name:New Delhi
4. Title of the article:Obama,first lady hit dance floor in India
5. A summary of the article:President Obama and first laday Michelle Obama pulled a few dance moves and celebrating a major religious festival with local student.
6. Your opinion about the article:I think It's good for the student. It's will make them having a target to be a president. and I think will make Obama very kind of them.
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Draft 11
Page 6
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Chicago has entered a fray because caffeinated and alcoholic drinks were debate. Four Loko is a 23.5 ounce beverage in a can that contains the equal amount of four or more beers. Alderman has made a proposal to ban the caffeinated alcoholic drinks. The beverages are dangerous for young adults. The drink would be banned everywhere in the city. Colleges and Universities across the nation report health problems caused by the drink. Four Loko made by phusion projects a company in Chicago that started five years ago. Ohio State University graduates got the idea from watching people at bars mixing liquor with energy drinks.
In my opinion about Four Loko should be removed from the liquor store and other stores. Four Loko was dangerous for young people. It is also toxic for anybody. However, caffeine and alcohol don’t mix together.
Nifty: Kennedy turns 50

Draft 10
Page 8
Friday, November 5, 2010
Nifty: Kennedy turns 50
The Northwest Expressway was by William Stratton, Major Richard J Daley, and country Board President Dan Ryan. Three years later the expressway was renamed under President Kennedy’s name, a week after he was killed in November 22, 1963. He took $232.3 million to construct the Kennedy express. Daley transformed a small suburban orchard field to one of the bus lest airports O’Hare. Joseph Schieterman added two reversible lanes to Kennedy express.
In my opinion this is the best construction that Daley made years ago. Kennedy express was made 50 years ago. The Kennedy express was building and opened in Nov 5, 1960. The 50th anniversary was celebrated this Friday, November 7, 2010
Nov 1,2010
Chicago Tribune
Halloween Tragedy
Megan Duskey was a Chicago school teacher, and a group of girlfriends had scored tickets to a sold-out Haunted Hotel Ball at the Palmer House Hilton. Duskey,23,and her friends were there half an hour when she playfully attempted to slide down a banister rail and fell four stories to her death. Duskey and her group, which included a cousin, a college roommate and other close friends. Duskey taught special education classes at Bright Elementary School, 10740 S. Calhoun Ave.
I think people can't always control, some ones actions. I don't know if alcohol had anything to do with it or she was just playing when she fell. the hotel should have a safe guard like a safety net for the stairs, so that people won't try to slide down the handrails.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Plotter in acid attack sentenced to 44 years

- Page 11
- November 2, 2010
- Chicago Tribune
- Plotter in acid attack sentenced to 44 years
- Ofelia Garcia and her former daughter-in-law, Maria Olvera was found
guilty of planning the acid attack. They hired three teenagers to
carry out the attack. They used sulfuric acid to burn a quarter of
Esperanza Medina's body. Medina looks like a 50-year-old woman now,
cause this assault left red and white scars on her face, neck, chest
and arms. Ofelia Garcia planed this attack cause her boyfriend,
Gustavo Alvarez broke up with her and live with Medina. Eventually
Ofelia Garcia and Olvera Garcia sentenced to 44 years. - We all know the women are attach importance to their appearance. This crime is cold and damned. How can Medina face to her future.
This assault broken all her dream down. Is it right that the most
vicious is women's heart ?
Friday, November 5, 2010
Millennials rock the vote ... as much as usual
Date published:Nov.04.10
Title of the article:Millennials rock the vote ... as much as usual
A summary of the article :
Youth turnout was fairly typical for a midterm election.
Election of contents
1 vote for 435 seats in the House of Representatives
2, one-third seats of the seats in the Senate election
3, by special election of the other three Senate seats
4,37 states to elect new governor
5, state, county, legislative and administrative bodies at the election
Your opinion about the article:I think from the local terms, the mid-term elections will elect state governors, and they will decide how states operate.Millennials rock the vote ... as much as usual
Date published:Nov.04.10
Title of the article:Millennials rock the vote ... as much as usual
A summary of the article :
Youth turnout was fairly typical for a midterm election.
Election of contents
1 vote for 435 seats in the House of Representatives
2, one-third seats of the seats in the Senate election
3, by special election of the other three Senate seats
4,37 states to elect new governor
5, state, county, legislative and administrative bodies at the election
Your opinion about the article:I think from the local terms, the mid-term elections will elect state governors, and they will decide how states operate.Thursday, November 4, 2010
Danger Drinks ?
From news services
The article writes about caffeinated alcoholic drink Four Loco. Loco is made by Phusion Projects, a Chicago company. Founders got the idea from watching people mix liquor with energy drinks at bars.The beverage contains equivalent of four or more beers and a strong cup of coffee for $3. It can be dangerous for young adults who might not realize how drunk they have become when they drink them. Four loko is popular and everyone buys it; middle class , high class, low class.
The beverage sounds like cheap and heavy alcohol. It can be dangerous first try but people will learn how heavy it is. I dont think when it has more or less alcohol it will change result for yaung people who wants to be drunk. If someone wants to be drunk or someone who doesnt know his/her limit it will be same result. Drinking alcohol is might be dengerous for yaung adults. I dont belive alcoholic beverage brend will make it more dengerous. In my opinion alchohol is fun if you know where to stop, it is dengerous if you dont know where to stop. It is not just for yaung adults for everyage like that.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Obama to rally Demograts in Hyde Park
Strike it'wich
Shaun White wheels into gamer realm
robed rebel
In summary is not good to do a bad thing,Let's the right person gives the punishment.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Page. 10
By Chicago Tribune
A heavy windstorm over middle of the country crossed last Tuesday. More than 500 flights were canceled at O'Hare, because weather indicated that a tornadoes passed in Illinois and Wisconsin.
That was a huge storm and one of the largest storm in decades. Even, some Midwesterners on twitter rated the storm as a "Chiclone" or "Windpocalypse".
The wind caused some significant damages in the Wild Country village of Peotone were the tornadoes touched down and ripped the roof of a home and leaving injured people.
The population of Chicago need to pay attention in all instruction about possible storms as the last and we need to be prepared for ending fall and winter because they could bring strong storms.
Storm Warning
Pg. 9 Chicago Tribune
Cafe Matou closing
Date published:11.02.10
Title of the articleL:Cafe Matou closing
A summary of the article :
Your opinion about the article:What a pity.I haven't eat it even.
News Paper
1. Page number:4
2. Date published:Oct.25.10
3. Author’s name:LeonorVivanco
4. Title of the article:Pingpong bounces in as new bar game craze
5. A summary of the article :Pingpong is becoming more and more popular in bar.The sport, which has seen spikes in popularity dating to the early 1900s and became an Olympic sport in 1988.People are discovering the intrinsic value, the fun, the challenge. It's inexpensive, and you can jump in at any level. It's a lifetime sport.
6. Your opinion about the article:That's sound very funny.If I go to bar , I really want to try it>
CNN (pg3)
Alcohol ranks 'most harmful' among a list of 20 drugs which cause physical, emotional and social problems.
I choose this article because this is a common problem. i can see many cases everyday of people who has problems dealing with alcohol. I've heard of some accidents or crimes are consecuence of the effects of alcohol. Some people drink everyday, and as I know there are many tipes of alcoholism, wich effects are not positive in the future. we should try to encorage a non alcoholic stylelife, i understand that is hard because this drug is legal, cheap, and available everywhere. the range of comsumers are beteween 15 to 60 years old, that is very sad because we know that is not healthy for our system, but the amont of comsumers incrase everyday. about side effects: pyshical aspect which involves many diseases just causing an early dead. Emotional affects people who love us causing then probblems too. I short is not necesary to drink alcohol to enjoy or have fun in our lives.
Teacher dies in fall from Palmer House stairwell
Date Published: November 1, 2010
Author's name: Andy Grimm
Title of the article: Teacher dies in fall from Palmer House stairwell
A summary of the article: Megan Duskey was looking forward to a Halloween night out in Chicago with some of her best friends. The Chicago schoolteacher and a group of girldfriends she had known most of her life had scored tickets to a sold-out Hotel Ball at the Palmer House Hilton, and Durskey was going as glamorous superhero Silk Spectre from the movie "Watchmen". Durskey, 23, and her friends were there half an hour on Saturday night when she playfully attempted to slide down a banister rail and fell four stories to her death, the Cook County medical examiner's office said.
My opinion: This is a bad story about a girld died. I wento to the same party and all over early. At first, i didnt know what happened because the police closed the place around 12:00 a.m. Then, I watched the news and i saw the story, that was very sad because she was young and died for a nothing.
Brunch with a Dutch accent
Page 18
Oct. 9, 2010
By Lisa Arnett
Brunch with a Dutch accent
Vincent a Lakeview Bistro, located at the 1475 w. Balmoral Ave. is a Dutch inspired restaurant. It's like a little restaurant you could walk into in Amsterdam. In the kitchen chef Joncarl Lachman is always cooking dishes from his Dutch heritage. Servers there would suggest to try the Ultsmijter-egg topped brioche and bacon and the matzo brei eggs scrambled with matzo cracker and salmon for just $12.00 or a traditional Dutch dish is a delicious melt mess of brioches slices topped with melted gouda brown sugar -cured bacon and a sunny side up egg. The chief has chosen to cook buttermilk pancakes with brown sugar syrup rather than the Netherlands super thin pancakes. For lunch time they suggest the lone sandwich is a fontina -topped lamb burger $12.00 with fries. Their famous drink is called the Vincent's Bloody Ear-garnished with a fried pigs ear. It's a great place to hang out with friends and family.
Good Samaritan Credited with girls rescue
October 6 2010
A 8 year old child named Elisa Cardenas was playing around with group of children, when she was approached by a strange man, now identified as 24 year old Gregorio Gonzalez. Gregorio Gonzalez forced the child into his pickup truck. At 7 a.m. Dyer a good Samarian told police he was driving when he saw a truck similar to a description to the suspect's vehicle given by authorities. A person who had watched the news and was familiar with the case began to follow the truck . The driver had only saw a man in the truck and one else but within a few minutes saw a child head peek up. Dyer cut off the pickup truck and Elisa took that moment to open up the passenger door and jumped out and ran. A second Samaritan stayed with the girl as Dyer pursued the pickup truck and was able to get the license plate number . The truck was located and the suspect was taken into custody without incident.
Purported bin Laden tape threatens French troops
Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween tragedy
Author Chicago Tribune
Halloween tragedy
Megen Duskey a special education teacher died.Megen was working at Bright Elementary School.She loved kids and Halloween.She was so excited about Halloween party.Megan and her friends went to Haunted Hotel Ball at the Palmer House Hilton.Megen was a superhero Silk Spectre from the movie "Watchmen".She was happy and playfuly slid down a banister rail and fell down four stories .She died instantly of head trauma.Her cousin and her friends are very sad
My Opinien
The story is very sad and touching, because she was just 23 years old.The young people don't think when they do stuped things.They dont think that is dangerous I am working at the school so I always have to tell the kids not to slide down the railing.They think that railing is fun but they don,t know that can be deadly.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Pentagon safety official: shooting was random

- Page 12
- October 20, 2010
- None
- Pentagon safety official: shooting was random
- There was a shooting on Tuesday in the third and fourth floor on the south side of the Pentagon. Authorities found two bullet fragments over there. The bullet did not throught the windowns, because the windowns are bulletproof. Authorities believed the bullets came from a rifle, but they were not sure who did it.
- I still don't know why people could keep guns by themselves in Unite State. Why is legal to let people own a powerful thing. Just for protect themselves? Don't kidding me. PROTECT is only for good person. For bad person is call CRIME.
Author: unkown
Oct 29, 2010
The first time the government has officially announced the tab intelligence spending. The intelligence spending boost on non-military and military intelligence programs from the previous years. A California Democrat expressed as "Given the nation financial situation, it is my view that the intelligence buget needs to carefully reviewed and that cuts will be necessary." The senator indicated there is waste and duplication within the budget and added.
I agree that intelligence spending have to pare down, if possible. Goernment spent too much of spending on intellience programs, That is a marvelous amount. If the Government pare down is good for a country decelopment.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Teen pleads guilty in slaying of former CLTV host's parents
Chicago Tribune
Teen pleads guilty in slaying of former CLTV host's parents
One of two teens charged in the 2009 slayings of the parents of former CLTV talk show host Garrard McClendon pleaded guilty Thursday to the crimes. Gregory Brooks,19 and Reo Thompson 18 years old had been charged with murder, auto theft, robbery, burglary and confinement in the deaths of Ruby McClendon, 76,and Milton McClendon,78, both of Hammond,Ind. Brooks pleaded guilty today before Lake County,Ind, Judge Clarence Murray, authorities said.
I think their parents weren't strict enought on them , they should respect the older. They didn't need to kill anyone, they took what they wanted already, I think they did that should be given the death penalty.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hey Cold, This Cough's for You
Page 4
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Author: Mark Bazer
Hey cold, this cough’s for you
A sarcastically man, and his cold. All the symptoms are on point, morning sore throat, and right along with the runny nose. When you start to get it, you have to reschedule your week’s plans. Then when you show up at work, it gets even better your co-workers keep their distance. When you have four or more type of germs you should awful. Being ill is the legitimate reason to stay at home from going to work. Co-workers seem to have fun with the fact that you are sick.
In my opinion when your sick with the cold just drink a lot of medicine, get lots of rest. Make sure to stay warm, you don’t want to make the cold worst. When you’re at work tend to have a box of tissue, and wash your hands often.
Prime-Time Unemployed
Draft 7
Page 3
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Author: Los Angels Time
Prime-Time Unemployed
Young workers between the ages of 20-24 are struggling to keep a permanent job. It’s hard for them to live independently with this economy going low. Young Americans that start moving out and starting a life, end up moving back in with their parents. Census Bureau figures that coupes are postponing marriage and becoming parents. Young families fall into poverty. With unemployed or underemployed Americans have little hope for paying their mortgages, or buying a house. Most workers see the incomes increase slowly.
In my opinion it’s great to know that young Americans are trying to live independently. But they need a plan first; these young Americans need to learn how to save their money. They need to stop spending money on unnecessary things. When they decide to move out their house, they should consider having a large amount of money in their bank account. That way they wouldn’t worry about not paying so many bills.
Traveling Circus
By Julia Borcherts
Montreal nouveau cirque toupe 7 Fingers started performance at Brodway Play house. Borcherts interviewed with members of 7 Finger about circus life. They described the show pretty action packed. In this show, the seven artists are on stage the entire time and they have to be good at all the disciplines. It makes the show unique. They have life music onstage and they also have cool way of playing with basketball and skateboards.
When i read this article I realized I have never seen any circus. When I was kid i guess my family didnt have time and when i became adult i never think about it. I started to be curious about it. When i read article it looks like fun. When i have time, I hope they will have still show. I' planing to go and see the show. If i miss them I will try to find another circus.
Police say west ide man used van to steal meters
by : chicago tribune
I think some people do these things by the need to support their family, and the lack of current employment